Most churches, businesses, and organizations fail to prepare for any kind of disaster. The result is that each of these entities lessen their ability to survive and recover. However. a far greater tragedy is that the church often fails to minister in a positive and effective manner following disasters. Kentucky Disaster Relief's strategy plan, "Ready... Continue Reading →
Small Church with a BIG Heart for Missions
Recently I had the privilege of visiting with Slate Hill Baptist Church in London, KY to share about ways to reach out to their community through the “Operation InAsMuch Kentucky” emphasis this September. In asking probing questions to learn more about the church and community I was really impressed to hear of the outreach this... Continue Reading →
Mission Partnership Opportunities Abound
Is your church or association prayerfully considering a new mission partnership, or desiring to begin one for the first time? If so, the KBC has a wealth of requests for mission partnerships that may be just right for your group. But how does one go about choosing a mission partnership and what does that partnership... Continue Reading →